There’s nothing like appearing on a TV news show to boost your credibility as a home stager! Home staging media attention is an incredible opportunity.
It’s happened to me a few times and I’m so proud to see Staging Diva Grad Stacy Goade of Alaska Premier Home Staging make her debut as well.
Media attention will grow your home staging business in ways that you can’t even imagine.
For example, it:
- Builds awareness for the benefits of home staging which makes your future sales efforts easier. That’s why any media attention for home staging helps you, even if you’re not the stager they feature in that story.
- Positions you as a home staging expert in your market. This makes it easier to charge higher fees than your competition!
- Drives traffic to your website, which grows your list of potential customers (assuming you have an opt in form on your page).
- Improves your search engine ranking because of the extra traffic you get to your site and especially if you can get a link to your website from the media outlet.
- Gives you something to promote via social media, your home staging blog and newsletter.
- Leads to additional media interviews. Once you’ve appeared as an expert on a topic and producers can see how well you do on camera, they’re more likely to book you for their next story on the same, or a related, subject.
For all of these reasons, I consider “The Media” as one of your 4 key target audiences for marketing your home staging business.
I devote a whole section in the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program to how to get media attention and it’s been great to see Staging Diva Grads on TV and in magazines and newspapers across the US, Canada, Australia and beyond.
Stacey’s CBS interview is fabulous. She explained what home staging is and why it works. This included a screen shot of key bullet points on the benefits of home staging.
She also shared her home staging portfolio of three before and after shots from previous Anchorage home staging projects.
The host even included an invitation to CBS viewers to visit Stacy’s website to learn more about the two upcoming workshops she’s offering in Anchorage!
This is one of the points I made in an article I wrote about the marketing benefits of speaking at the local library. It gives the media something to latch onto.
No doubt this will lead to increases in:
- Visits to her website
- Prospects joining her email list
- Attendance at her workshops
- Future sales as more people get to know, like and trust her.
It’s been a few years since Stacy Goade took the Staging Diva Program. She originally caught my attention because she was the first Staging Diva Grad in Alaska. Since that time, I’ve also got to know her better through our Business Accelerator Coaching calls and her participation in Staging Diva Dialog.
I’ve written about Stacy in the past. In Alaska Home Stager Demonstrates the Importance of Sticking To It, she shared how she almost gave up on her home staging business when she was frustrated at the beginning.
Wouldn’t it be great if in those moments a little angel from the future could whisper in your ear,
“Don’t give up. Before you know it you’ll be sitting on the set of your local CBS news show talking about home staging and the host will invite people to your workshops!”
That’s the thing about being in your own business and following your dreams, you just never know where it might take you!
Please join me in congratulating Stacy Goade on this media success. Also share any comments or questions you may have about getting attention from the media, so I can write about it in future articles.
(Editors Note: I later wrote another story about Stacy as she celebrated 5 years in her business.)
I’m so proud of Stacy that I just posted a direct link to the interview on Google+, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. Woo hoo! Great job! You made it look easy. Congratulations!
I know Susan, it’s fantastic. Thanks for sharing (and commenting)!
You are so cool, Debra! Thank you for the outstanding article and the fantastic mentoring, consults, and training that gets your Diva’s in the spotlight!
Thanks so much Stacy. I’ve been thrilled too to see the response from your fellow home stagers to this post!
Susan – thank you for the kudos, and I can’t tell you how generous you are to extend your congrats by posting the link of my CBS news guest appearance to all of your social media sites. Wow! That is icing on the cake! 🙂
Congratulations Stacy! Well-done.
(Debra, congrats can go to her teacher, as well!)
Patty, I appreciate that you took a moment to send me kind words and a pat on the back! It is so encouraging. Since following Debra’s marketing advice (and marketing guide) and launching my free home staging workshops last March, my business has really grown.