“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
This quote by Cuban-French author, Anais Nin, was probably not uttered with business in mind, but it speaks loudly to aspiring entrepreneurs.
How many of our future business greats and world leaders are stifled inside their “buds” right now, with nothing but their own fears preventing them from blossoming?
In 1999, I was living very comfortably on the six figure income I was earning in my own marketing communications business, but I was frustrated.
I wanted to do something more creative with my life.
Yet, I was reluctant to leave the safety of the financially secure and well respected business I’d already built.
I had already taken a big risk ten years earlier by leaving a high-level position to be my own boss and start my own business.
And here I was again feeling confined and wanting to take a chance on a new and more creative business dream.
It took a long time before I allowed myself to take the risk to leave what I had already built, which meant shutting down my business and leaving my steady income stream behind to embark on a new journey of self-discovery.
Through the process of buying and selling six of my own homes in a few years, and each time making a profit because of the way I’d decorated my properties before listing, my vision for a new business started to take shape.
When I took the risk of leaving the familiarity of what I’d done before, I was able to re-imagine my dream life and career.
I found a way to combine my creativity with what I knew about business and real estate by starting my home staging company, Six Elements Inc.
Because I was a single mom, this was all the more scary, yet all the more important. I wanted to lead by being a living example that it’s okay to follow your dreams.
What are you keeping yourself from doing? What are you showing your children? Is it riskier to stay exactly where you are and wonder “what might have been” for the rest of your life?
Or is it worth it to face your fear head on and go for it?
There was a study done in a retirement home where they asked residents about their biggest regrets in life. The number one answer was “regret for the paths not taken.” This ranked well above, “regret for trying something that didn’t work.”
It’s important to examine, before we come to the end or our lives, what paths we might take.
What would it be like to know you had little time left and realize that your life could have been entirely different if you just had the courage to make different choices?
Each day you remain safe inside your “bud”, as Anais Nin calls it, is another day you have not spent as a blossom, on your way to living your true life.
What challenge were you afraid to tackle for a long time? How did it feel when you gathered your courage and took action anyway? Please add your comments to this message, I know you’ll inspire others!
Your thoughts are similar to a line from one of my longtime favourite poems, IF – “…if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, and make allowance for their doubting too…”
Bottom line is we have to believe in ourselves and go after what we believe in. You are an inspiration to me and many others as you provide us with the knowledge, not only to go forward with our staging business, but to go forward in an informed and professional manner. Thank you for all you do. This business is another challenge I am enjoying taking on.
Sharon Charboneau
Upstaging Your Homes
Thanks Sharon for that feedback and for sharing your comments.
All the best for much success in 2009!
After struggling to recover from a mental illness, I am grateful for my health and wanted to honour my ability to survive, creativity and business skills by combining them in starting my own home staging business. I’m working hard to grow the business, maintain my health and survive while the business develops. This is one path I will NOT regret not havening taken! I draw on my courage every day and know that I am in the right place at the right time, doing what I need to do.
Thank you for this posting Debra and congratulations to everyone that takes a step to move out of their comfort zone!
Congratulations to you Heather for your courage and for following your dreams. I’ve been most impressed with everything I’ve seen you do so far to promote your business, I know you’ll be a great success as a home stager! Thank you for writing, I know your words will inspire others who have been afraid to follow their dreams.
Debra, the quote from Anais Nin is right on target. I started my new business after thinking about doing so for too many years. I had a great career in high technology for years and survived the meltdown for as long as I wanted too. After stepping out, I ventured back to opportunities that proved unsatisfying. I had clearly moved beyond that world. ‘The only security you have is yourself’, the words of a recruiter have stayed with me since 1990. I’m inspired by how you have built your business and are helping us. I truly appreciate the clients that I have had the privelege to work with. There will always be challenges in everything we do, find solutions and the rewards will follow.
Pat, thank you so much for that feedback and for sharing your story. It really is amazing helping clients with our creative talents and seeing the difference it can make in their lives. I know I never got that kind of gratification when I was working for corporations either!
It was great to finally meet you in person at the Interior Design Show last week. I’m glad you came over to say hi!
A wonderful and inspiring post Debra and I think it’s only fair that those of us who you have inspired should comment. Home Staging is something I had done for a very long time but never as a bona fide business. I stupidly didn’t have the courage to take it to the next level. We emigrated to Australia 2 1/2 years ago as we always felt that if we didn’t one day we would always think “what if?”. I began to realise I should take the same philosophy for my business aspirations, I then found Debra and I have not looked back since.
I look back now and laugh, I cannot believe I doubted myself so much. I would urge anyone to follow their business dreams and once you get out there you realise it’s not as scary as you first thought. If you need guidance in home staging, a mentor, and an extremely business savvy woman whos got your back, then Debra is a great lady to have on your side.
Hayley, Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your story, I know it will inspire others.
I’ve found with many major decisions in my life, the deciding was the hardest and scariest part. Once that was done, then my energies just got focused on taking action.
I also appreciate you kind words and feedback, I’m honored that I could help you on this journey!!