If you’re trying to find out everything you can about being in the home staging business, you’ve probably heard of a program guaranteeing employment as a home stager at a rate of $24-$30 per hour.
While that home staging income may sound like a lot if you’re used to earning minimum wage, it’s actually a very low salary for a home stager.
Real Home Staging Income
Many expert home stagers earn more during a two-hour consultation than a lot of people earn for a full week’s work.
Earning a six-figure income as a home stager within two years is entirely possible. You’ll need to be committed to building your business instead of approaching it as a hobby.
The knowledge and expertise of a home stager is extremely valuable to a home seller, and billable rates reflect that even in a slow economy.
Take the case of Staging Diva Graduate Elizabeth Englehart of Ohio-based Moving Designs. Her first staging project was worth $8,000 to stage a vacant home that had been on the market for two years.
Home stagers can earn between $300 and $800 for an initial consultation, when they know how to properly market their services.
Many home sellers will hire a stager just for their advice and then do the rest of the work themselves.
If the stager is charging properly for their consultations (a topic I go into in detail in the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program), it’s possible to earn at least $1,000 a week just doing these short appointments. And it’s quick money because the stager gets paid immediately when they follow my business model. Every day is “pay day” when you work this way!
After an initial consultation, a home stager can make at least $1,000 more if the client wants help implementing the stager’s recommendations.
This number can climb to $5,000 or $10,000 depending on the needs for that property, as well as the stager’s level of expertise and the geographic location.
If you’re curious whether home staging is right for your area, I recommend you download my Free Report: “Ask Staging Diva: Will Home Staging Work in My Area?”
In this report you’ll learn why home staging works in both slow and “hot” real estate markets, how to know if there will be enough demand in your area, and more. You’ll also learn more about how much you can make and how home staging consultations work.
If you are a home stager with some stories about how you’re thriving in today’s economy, please comment below.
I love success stories and uplifting stories are what everyone wants right now!
Hi I am just starting my staging job and I am not sure what to charge
Arlene, That’s a critical piece of running a successful business. The fact that you don’t know what or how to charge suggests to me that there are probably other important pieces missing. For example, how are you going to make sure you actually get paid? How are you going to find your next client? Who are the right types of clients for you? How are you also going to make “passive income” in your staging business? Are you going to write reports for your clients? Are you going to do free estimates? ETC.
Nobody knows the answers to these questions when they’re just starting out. You might eventually figure out what works from trial and error. That could take months or years, which can be frustrating and leave a lot of money on the table that you could have been earning.
These topics and many more are completely covered in the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program. In my program I show you how to make back the entire cost of the course with your first few clients and how to get more of them coming to you. You can check it out in detail at:
Pay special attention to the description of course 2, that’s where I develop the entire pricing strategy for you.
In a nutshell the Staging Diva Program is your complete blueprint to starting and growing a successful staging business. You just follow it step by step because I lay it all out for you to follow.
This sounds super nice!
I would like more information.
Hi Jessica, I’m not exactly sure what information you’re looking for. There are a ton of links to more information from this website. As a start, you might enjoy this free report, “Ask Staging Diva: Will Home Staging Work in My Area?”
Click here to sign up for it for free and I’ll email it to you.