How would you like a home staging job in North Carolina?
The home seller wrote me looking for a Staging Diva Graduate to stage her 2,000 square foot vacant home in Youngsville.
I Googled the property and found an aerial view with very long private driveway and lovely pool in the back yard, horses grazing across the street!
Isn’t it crazy what you can learn online with just an address?
The clients says she has European furnishings, that were made for the home in storage. You can draw on some of this inventory if you need to.
No doubt the client’s furnishings are exquisite as she’s an interior designer herself. She writes, “I am out of the country and I need a Staging Diva Graduate’s assistance!”
Isabelle would like to put her home on the real estate market within the next few weeks so timing is of the essence. The property will be listed at just under half a million dollars and will make an awesome addition to your home staging portfolio.
Home Staging Fee Tip
I’ve worked with overseas clients before. Make sure you build in extra time for communicating with your client since she won’t be there to see the progress you are making in person. Just work that into your home staging fee, following the pricing formula you learned in Course 2 and 3 of the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program.
Naturally, you’ll also want to get your money upfront along the way as you complete each step of the project. That’s covered in your Course 2 recording. Also take a look at the Invoice Templates that come with your Course 2 notes for help in how you can break this project out into segments to bill along the way.
North Carolina Home Staging Job — How to Apply
Apply for this North Caroline home staging job couldn’t be easier. Simply complete the form at the Staging Diva Home Staging Project Referral Service. Please be sure to include “Youngsville NC Home Staging Job” as the project location in the first line of the form.
This North Carolina home staging job will be referred first to members of the Staging Diva Directory of Home Stagers for free. In other words, there will be no referral fee for Directory members even though we’re playing “match maker” for you.
If there’s not a Directory member available for this project, it will be open to any Staging Diva Graduate with a professional Internet presence. (It’s difficult to convince a client to hire you if they can’t review your staging portfolio, after all!)
If you get any paid work through this referral (and you’re not already a Staging Diva Directory of Home Stagers member), there will be a $250 referral fee, which you can build into your staging consultation fees. It’s entirely up to you.
This is the third home staging job I’ve posted in 10 days
If you’re not already a Staging Diva Graduate consider that just one good project would more than pay for your entire training program plus building and hosting your web page on the high-traffic Staging Diva Directory of Home Stagers for an entire year!
Unless you have more home staging projects than you can handle, what are you waiting for? Get the training and marketing you need to ensure the steady growth of your home staging business.
Hi I have been staging homes with Diamond Home Stagers in NC for 2 years and would love to know if this property still needed any staging
Congrats on your staging business Crystal. Unless you’re a Graduate of the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program and follow the instructions in the article, I can’t help you with this job posting.
What is the date of this post… Wondering if I’m too late?
Thanks for your interest. The article is very clear about the process to apply for this home staging job.
I am working my way through the program now.. I guess I’ll wait until I’m a graduate (another week or so). There was no date on this, so I didn’t know if this was outdated or there is still a need. Thanks.
Mary, I’m glad you’re working your way through the Staging Diva Program. Please note that it’s not just a matter of being a Staging Diva Graduate, you also have to have a professional presence online. Either your own website or a profile listing in the Staging Diva Directory of Home Stagers. That way I (and the client I recommend you to) can see your portfolio.