In a recent home staging business dilemma post I asked what you would do if you were putting away your home staging accessories only to discover you brought home an unknown number of bedbugs with you from your latest home staging project.
There were some great comments on that original business dilemma post. It’s clear to me after reading them that there are a lot of you still carrying your own inventory of staging accessories. Hopefully you’re taking precautions to protect yourself from perpetuating the spread of these nasty little insects!
If you discover bed bugs in your home staging accessories first you should examine everything thoroughly. Bed bugs are excellent hiders so you have to expose everything to make sure you’ve got them all accounted for. Then throw all of the throws, table clothes and other fabric items right in the washing machine in very hot water. When they’re clean, put them in the dryer at very high heat for thirty minutes.
Remember, bed bugs aren’t just found in beds or items made of fabric. They can also travel on other accessories like clocks and frames too. For items you fear have bed bugs in them that you can’t put in the washer or dryer, wrap them in plastic and leave them in direct sunlight or another hot location for several hours to kill the bugs and their eggs. A steam cleaner can also work to kill the bugs.
Alternatively, of course, you may wish to call an exterminator. Probably the best way to get rid of a major bed bug problem.
I don’t want the thought of bed bugs harming your home staging business to discourage you! While the whole bed bug epidemic is unpleasant to think about, as entrepreneurs, we have no choice but to look for ways to make the best of a bad situation so let’s look on the bright side.
You can use the bed bug issue to promote your home staging services by including an article in your blog or newsletter explaining to sellers that if their homes aren’t in sparkling clean condition, they could be scaring away potential buyers by creating a possible bed bug infestation in their minds.
I’ve spoken with many stagers over the years who worry about competing with stagers that have their own home staging accessories so use the bed bug epidemic as a selling point for why you don’t carry your own inventory and why you prefer to use new items instead.
I’ve been diligently gathering facts regarding the bed bug situation because of the impact it can potentially have on home stagers’ businesses. I want to get this information into the hands of as many of you as possible so I’ve compiled it into a new free report: “Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite: What Home Stagers Need to Know Right Now!”
This ebook is available now as a free download and it contains all the tips you need to protect yourself, your family and your clients against a bed bug infestation.
Debra Gould, The Staging Diva®
President, Six Elements Inc. Home Staging
Debra Gould developed the Staging Diva Training Program to create opportunities for others to grow their own profitable home staging businesses.
Thanks for all the great info. Are you suggesting that home stagers should NOT carry their own accessories and shop for the client for new items instead?
Lisa, Yes that IS what I’m suggesting. You can make way more money and have way less hassles by not carrying your own inventory and being paid to shop instead. In the Staging Diva Program I cover the pros and cons of doing it both ways (course 2) and for stagers who agree that they don’t want to invest in inventory, I teach them how to get their clients to pay them to shop, how to make sure they’re shopping with the client’s money and not their own, etc (course 3).
Thanks for popping by and asking your question!
So how do you get the person to let you shoppe with their money? Especially since they don’t really know you yet? What do you say to her?To explain that it is much easier to shop for what she needs.
Joan, that’s covered thoroughly in course 3 of the Staging Diva Training Program.