Hopefully Monday’s post about how social media can help grow your home staging business has motivated you to get out there and try some new things to market yourself. (Catch up by reading that post now by clicking here.)
The example I shared in that post was centered around Facebook, which is more familiar to most people. Today, though, I’m going to focus on a tool that can be even more powerful in growing your business – Twitter.
This social networking site has taken the world by storm. Millions of people around the world use Twitter to communicate with others in short, 140 character sentences or status updates.
You can think of Twitter as your own micro blog with each status update being its own mini blog post. The people you communicate with on Twitter, your micro blog readers if you will, are known as your followers and their feedback on what you have to say will be instantaneous.
Once you get the hang of it, it’s much less complicated than it sounds. All you need to know is that in order to compete in business today, you must have a Twitter account.
Here are 6 reasons why you need to get your free Twitter account today:
- It’s quick and easy to get started, especially compared to Facebook. It will take you about five minutes to set up your profile and start “Tweeting.”
- You’ll be saving your identity. There are over 230 million people using Twitter. Even if you have no plans to start Tweeting in the near future, you should join now if only to save your business name so nobody else grabs it first. For example, I’m @StagingDiva on Twitter and I also have an account for @DebraGould.
- You’ll be proving that you’re current. You can’t listen to the radio or watch TV without hearing somebody asking you to follow them on Twitter. When you have a Twitter account, you’re demonstrating that you’re keeping up with trends.
- You’re demonstrating your expertise as a home stager. The sooner you start using Twitter, the sooner you’ll have a history of “tweets” that will be positioning you as the home staging expert in your market. With Twitter growing at its current rate, it’s a matter of time before other stagers in your market are using it, if they aren’t already. Get there first so you appear to be ahead of the game.
- It helps show your passion for home staging. You can use Twitter to share your passion about your industry. Allow your potential customers to get to know you and your design style giving them the chance to like and trust you. That will make them more likely to hire you when they need a stager.
- You’ll be helping your customers find you. Twitter is already mainstream. Many
homeowners and real estate agents in your market are already on there. Twitter is yet another free way to get your business in front of people in your town— and in front of the media too. And you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home!
You can find out more about these 6 points as well as 6 more reasons to sign up for an account in the Home Stager’s Guide to Twitter.
You’ll also learn exactly how to sign up for your account, how to set up your profile, how to start finding people to follow and even ideas about what to post.
This 100+ page resource will navigate you through the entire process of using Twitter to build your business – no home stager should be without it.
Editors Note: This product is sold out. If you’re interested please contact us.
I like the fact that you don’t have to use twitter “only” from a cell phone. I do most of my tweeting from my computer which is much more normal for me. I’m also enjoying searching for people I’d like to follow and then checking out people who follow them, it’s really a wild community out there…so much going on… so many people doing and thinking different things
I think that this posting was excellent and I am going to check it out. The new information trends seem to be a key component to success and I am looking forward to hearing from some fellow stagers on how it has helped their business. Brian
I’ve found twitter to be a great way to post info on interesting decorating products and design ideas. It’s also interesting to follow other stagers and real estate agents – I like to retweet their relevant posts to spread the word about the industry. However, the best part is that I’ve gotten 2 jobs through an agent who found me via twitter. Proves that this free marketing medium is a great way to network with people and it pays off!
Congratulations Tina on those projects you got from Twitter and for sharing this news so that others can realize the potential of this free service. I agree, it’s also great to connect with other stagers and agents on there just to see what they’re up to and get to know them, in less time than it takes on a site like Facebook.