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We want you to be satisfied with the Staging Diva products or services you order. If you don't feel that the Staging Diva Network is what you expected, we'll give you a full refund.
Refunds must be requested in writing within 72 hours of your Staging Diva Network Membership being activated. After that time no refunds will be issued for the three months you've been billed for. All refund requests must be submitted in writing, and at that time, all access to the Staging Diva Network will be terminated.
Graduates of The Staging Diva® Home Staging Business Training Program can join the Staging Diva Network Online Discussion Group.
A great way to have ongoing support from The Staging Diva herself, and feel connected with home stagers going through similar experiences!
Join for just $20 per month (and Get 1 Month FREE)!
All members of the Staging Diva Network are Graduates of the Staging Diva Training Program.
The Staging Diva Network is a supportive community where information is shared for the benefit of all members. Our goal is to help you combat any feeling of isolation that can come with being self-employed and help you build a successful home staging business!
And for a limited time, you'll get 1 MONTH FREE when you sign up for a three month trial!
"I'm really glad I joined the Staging Diva Network.
It's a wonderful way to talk to other Graduates about goals, ideas, sources and a TON of other things!"
– Lynn Trostheimn (BC)*
Once you're a member, you can log in whenever you like and read posts by other Staging Diva Graduates about their challenges and solutions, frustrations and victories.
You'll be part of a community of like-minded individuals facing many of the same issues you have as you grow your own home staging, real estate styling business.
Have a question for The Staging Diva?
Post it to the group and get answers directly from Debra Gould, The Staging Diva. PLUS learn from the experiences of your fellow home stagers.
Working on your business name, logo or website?
Share it with the Staging Diva Network community. We all learn from each other and are happy to provide feedback on your ideas and concepts.
Just won your first project or been featured in the media?
Post your news on The Staging Diva Network and enjoy the support and celebration from fellow members.
Want to dive deep into an idea?
All discussions are organized by category and topic. Log in any time to read what others have discussed over the years. Staging Diva Network is not only an ongoing "live" resource, but a historical treasure trove of valuable information and insights.
Privacy Policy: We hate SPAM too! Your email address will not be shared, rented or sold to third parties. View our legal and privacy policy here.
® Staging Diva and the Staging Diva Logo are registered trademarks of Six Elements Design Group Inc.
© 2004 – 2025 Six Elements Design Group Inc. All rights reserved. Republication or dissemination of this content is expressly prohibited without written permission.
*Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average attendee/purchaser and do not guarantee that anyone will have the same experience or achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
"I love the Staging Diva Network Online Discussion Group! It’s a treasure trove of information at my fingertips.
Plus, I can log in any time I need extra direction from Debra about what to do next."
– Terri Mullins (NC)*